04 June 2022
- Electronic
- Experimental
- Pop
- Psych
- Soundtrack
- Celebratory
- Cinematic
- Dreamy
- Playful
- Psychedelic
Electronic music explorer Massimo Pegoraro aka Modus presents this episode. He leads us through his playful cinematic music world, performing his own recent reportoire for Marmo Music and Clay Pipe Music along with two sets of influencial and favorite listenings which have contributed to feed his sonic imagery.
Jan Turkenburg - In My spaceshipMoondog - Why Spend a dark night with you
Giusto Pio - Ostinato
Lucio Dalla - Disperato Erotico Stomp
Animal Collective - Brother Sport
Paul Mc Cartney - Temporary Secretary
Brian Jonestown Massacre - Panic In Babylon
Nino Rota - Connie's wedding
Nino Rota - The Godfather main theme
Nino Rota - Le notti di Cabiria
Nino Rota - Otto e mezzo finale
The Go Team! - Ladyflash