


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Desintegrationkurs #1 w/ Kaloan and Kupalua as guest

20 June 2023
  • Avant-Garde
  • Latin
  • Field Recording
  • Experimental
  • Electronic
  • Exotic

A radio show focusing in a immigrant perspective of experimental music from south america and global south but not only.

The "Desintegrationkurs" is a critical joke with the "Intregrations Kurs", a mandatory course of study of German language and history that most immigrants in Germany have to take in order to get a visa. One has to pay for this course and complete it within a certain time frame, or else lose their visa.

In this first show a selection of experimental music from Brazil by Kaloan and

a special guest Kupalua sharing some of their tracks and others that inspire them.

desintwgrationkurs image.jpg


1 - Field recording from the 01.01.2023 made by Kaloan at Brasilia/ Festival do Futuro
2 - Nana Vasconcelos - Goree
3 - Caetano Veloso - De Conversa
4 - Juçara Marçal - Criei um pee de Ipê
5 - Marcela Lucatelli - Yansan
6 - Kaloan - unreleased track
7 - Djalma Correa - Baiafro
8 - Satanique Samba Trio - Glisserrata
9 - Tantão e os Fita - Cadê meu dinheiro
10 - Saskia - O Brasil é um sonho
11 - DJ Ramemes - Mario filha da puta
12 - Maria Beraldo - Sussussussu
13 - Joao Filho - 3 unreleased track
14 - Psilosamples - Terminal dogma 2
15 - Mari Herzer - Prólogo
Kupalua tracks