27 November 2023
- Experimental
- Dreamy
Desintegrationkurs" is a radio show that focuses on a decolonial immigrant perspective of experimental music from Latin America and the global South, but not exclusively.
In this show we have Andi from Colombia, and Berlin Based as special guest.

KaloanTete Espindola - Piraretã (Brazil)
Los Sampler’s - Algo Ritmico (Chile/Germany)
Satanique Samba Trio - badtriptonics #69 (Brazil)
Satanique Samba Trio - badtriptonics #58 (Brazil)
Julmud - Mawlana (Palestina)
Satanique Samba Trio - badtriptonics #85 (Brazil)
Aylu - Nueva. (Argentina)
João de Bruçó, R.H. Jackson - Caracol I (Brazil)
Corina Bartra - Jungle. (Peru)
Juçara Marçal - Oi Cat (Brazil)
May West - Maraka (Brazil)
Manonongo Mujica - Ritual para Chankillo. (Peru)
Ajítẹnà Marco Scarassatti - Cabaça (Brazil)
Flor de Fuego - Derivas (Argentina)
Raed Yassin - The Cyber Oracle (Líbano)
Jako Maron - Maloya B5160-8 (Réunion)
Robert Machiri - Durban incursions (Zimbabwe)
Romperayo - El clavado de la reina (Colombia)
QUERRÁ - Uekuáecha (México)
Children of Cathode Ray - Mantracks (Filipinas)
Muqata'a - Shay'an Fa Shay'an (Palestina)
Jaqueline George - Untitled (Egypt)
Check and support Andi
Check and support Kaloan:
support artists from global south ;)