


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Past Forward #37 with Hendrik Stein

14 December 2019
  • Ambient
  • Oddities
  • New Age
  • Library Music
  • Krautrock
  • Atmospheric
  • Cinematic
  • Ethereal
  • Meditative
  • Melancholy

For the last show of the year we’ve sent Hendrik Stein on a one-man-mission to bring some tranquility and light to those chaotic and dark pre-christmas times. Since his name-change earlier this year, he dug out a lot of special records far away from his discoish comfort-zone and curated a rather personal and decelerating journey through the realms of new age harping, jungle flutes and some other beauties he was happy to come across this year. Take a comfortable position, open your chakras and let it flow.

Artwork by Chrisse Kunst

PF #37 by Chrisse Kunst


...with Tracks by Agathe, Desert Harvest, Eiger Drums Propaganda, Kajagoogoo and many more...