06 March 2023
- Oddities
- Fusion
- Folk
- Field Recording
- Experimental
- Strange
- Mystical
- Hypnotic
- Dreamy
Abendlandung 150:
Field Recordings | Nebelhörner | lysergisches Saitenzupfen | folkloristisches Liedgut | Haut auf Haut | Schütteln und Klopfen | Zuckungen und Zitherungen | Jazz | Fusionen | Melancholie | Sommerabende | Klangteppiche | Tiefgänge | Daumenklaviere

01 | Bill Fontana - Landscape Sculpture With Fog Horns (Concert Version, 1981) / von "Landscape Sculpture With Fog Horns", KQED-FM, 1982. Reissue auf Other Minds, 2020.02 | Turn On The Sunlight - Blue Sky Writing / von "Turn On The Sunlight", disques corde, 2010.
03 | Né Ladeiras - Mar / von "Corsária", Schiu!, 1988.
04 | Odessey And Oracle – J'ai Vu Un Croco / von "Elsewhere VXIII", Rocket Recordings, 2022.
05 | Eblen Macari - Ambar / von "Ambar", Grabaciones Lejos Del Paraiso, 1997. Reissue auf Silent River Runs Deep, 2021.
06 | Midori Takada - Cutting Branches for a Temporary Shelter (In the Morning) / von
07 | Sam Gendel - Shippō (七宝, Seven Treasures of the Buddha) / von "blueblue", Leaving Records, 2022.
08 | Y Bülbül & Yumurta - Jah Oto / von "Not One, Not Two", Pingipung, 2022.
09 | Colinde Netemperate - Din Patru Cornuri de Lume / von "Elsewhere VXIII", Rocket Recordings, 2022.
10 | Glen Velez - Second Wind / von "Ramana", Music of the World, 1991.
11 | Yoshiaki Ochi - Ear Dreamin' / von "Natural Sonic", Newsic, 1990. Reissue auf Silent River Runs Deep, 2022.
12 | Roxane Métayer - Mille Pics / von "Éclipse des Ocelles", Morc Records, 2021.
13 | Ernest Hood - Noonday Yellows / von "Back to the Woodlands", Freedom to Spend, 2022.
14 | Misha Panfilov - Amphibian Girl / von "Momentum", 2 Headed Deer, 2022.
15 | Misha Panfilov - Coral Song / von "Momentum", 2 Headed Deer, 2022.
16 | Ernest Hood - Pleasant This Garden / von "Back to the Woodlands", Freedom to Spend, 2022.
17 | Yoshiaki Ochi - Dawning / von "Natural Sonic", Newsic, 1990. Reissue auf Silent River Runs Deep, 2022.