26 June 2023
- Ambient
- Fusion
- Folk
- Experimental
- Electronic
- Dreamy
- Laid-Back
- Meditative
- Mystical
Mit zauberhafter Musik von unter anderem:
* Ben Vida w/ Yarn/Wire & Nina Dante
* Robert Haigh
* Jacqueline Humbert and David Rosenboom
* Y Bülbül & Yumurta
* Anadol
* Aksak Maboul
* Hematic Sunsets
* Societé Étrange

01 | Ben Vida With Yarn/Wire And Nina Dante - Who's Haunting Who Here / aus "The Beat My Head Hit", Shelter Press 202302 | Robert Haigh - Lost Albion / von "Human Remains", Unseen Worlds 2022
03 | Y Bülbül & Yumurta - What's Behind That Curtain?/ von "Not One, Not Two", Pingipung Records 2023
04 | Jacqueline Humbert and David Rosenboom - Talk 1 / von "Daytime Viewing (1979-1980)", Unseen Worlds 2023 (Reissue)
05 | Nando Carneiro - As Gralhas / von "Violão", Carmo 1983
06 | Comedia - Los Días Antes a Melina / von "Nubes", Melopea Discos 1989. Auch auf der neuen Compilation "Viento Sur", Vampisoul 2022.
07 | Guillermo Cazenave - Mandala Fiel / von "Musica Para Una Nueva Era", Melopea Discos 1992. Auch auf der neuen Compilation "Viento Sur", Vampisoul 2022.
08 | Anadol - Gizli Duygular / von "Felicita", Pingipung Records 2022
09 | cliffordandcalix - You And I / von "Lost Foundling 1999-2004", Aperture 2010
10 | Aksak Maboul - Talking with the Birds / von "Une Aventure De VV (Songspiel)", 2023 Crammed Discs
11 | Rupert - Soul Brothers / von "Kiwi Animals: Future/ Primitive Aotearoa", Strangelove Music 2020
12 | The Kiwi Animal - Woman and Man have Balance / von "Kiwi Animals: Future/ Primitive Aotearoa", Strangelove Music 2020
13 | PM Production - OcoastTemple / von "Onkruid", Nose Job 2021
14 | Hematic Sunsets - Wir Tanzten Mit Bisley (Für O.B.) / von "Aroma Club Paradox", Dekorder 2009
15 | Societé Étrange - Á l'Intérieur au Numéro 97 / von "Chance", Standard In-Fi & Les Disques Bongo Joe 2022
16 | Jacqueline Humbert and David Rosenboom - Talk 2 / von "Daytime Viewing (1979-1980)", Unseen Worlds 2023 (Reissue)