03 March 2018
- Art-Rock
- Electronic
- Experimental
- Psych
- Krautrock
- Delicate
- Exotic
- Flowing
- Hypnotic
- Psychedelic
Hosted by jayrope. Ej Bekot, a Berlin-based psychedelic band gets played and interviewed, amongst music of Karl Blau, Joe Meek and other related or unrelated rare finding from the 80s and 90s. Psychedelic-Eclectic, sorta.

The Sighs - HunterKarl Blau - Where Ya going’ Papa?
ITOE - Side A
Ej Bekot - [unreleased]
Ej Bekot - Moon
“Interview” - Ej Bekot
Ej Bekot - Naked Lunch
ISO 66 - Late 90s German
Karl Blau - Sea Anemone Sway
Ej Bekot - Schneesax [unreleased / 2005]
Joe Meek - Love Dance Of The Saroos
“Interview” - Talis Silde
Joe Meek - Glob Waterfall
Karl Blau - Dance of The Sunfish
jayrope - CX5M1
jayrope - CX5M2