23 May 2020
- Ambient
- Avant-Garde
- Collage
- Arts & Culture
- Drone
- Atmospheric
- Celebratory
- Delicate
- Informative
- Intense
Hosted by jayrope, with contributions by Lippstueck from Wokule. Ludare = Latin for “to play”. Pan-Non-Aca-Demically not live atm, but no worries, we’ll get there again soon. This is a pre-recorded multilingual semi-collage, music, sound & poetry mash-up. Heavy on text excerpts at times, prominently of Lippstueck & Alan Watts’ “The Joker”, mostly in a chilled mood. It is not easy, but all the more humorous at times -> Despite making a particular collaged point here some of the music and field recordings play in very full length. www.biesentales.com

Station ID - Kimmo ElomaaKeine Ahnung - jayrope
Audio postcards, field recordings, press mash-ups, feedbacks of jayrope (Archive, cont. all over)
Text & Tönung - Lippstueck (with freesound.org field recordings, details unknown)
The Joker - Alan Watts (excerpts from Youtube & freesound.org CC3)
David Rosenboom - Nova Wind (CD)
Der grüne Planet - Filmton (Vimeo)
Chocolate Outlaw - Orange Swan (Bandcamp)
I’m not your stepping stone (1966) - The Flies (Youtube)
Deaccelaration, at actual speed - jayrope (Archive)
53 - jayrope (Bandcamp)
Deaccelaration, at low speed - jayrope (Archive)
Worker ants - (Unknown origin, Archive)
Things without names - jayrope (Soundcloud)
Quatuor pour la fin du Temps/Louange à l'immortalité de Jésus - Olivier Messiaen (Piano music, CD)
Oil priced piano - jayrope (Archive)
Holztochter Elf - Lippstueck
Albert Pla - Están cayendo bombas en Madrid