02 January 2021
- Ambient
- Avant-Garde
- Downtempo
- Experimental
- Electronic
- Atmospheric
- Bombastic
- Celebratory
- Chaotic
- Cinematic
Social media: https://mastodon.online/@biesentales
Hosted by jayrope. Tempo versus energy consumption versus density. Ranging from modern classical via ESG via private recordings via Berlin & Canadian buddies to piano & jazztronica findings from the fediverse. Update applied, now what? Was there really an update, was it really applied? Young minds, together, will show the path.

Partly excerpted and overlayed:jayrope - Feliz Navidad
Young Minds Together - We Are Young Minds Together - https://lightentries.bandcamp.com/track/we-are-young-minds-together
Yaxu - Prelock - https://lightentries.bandcamp.com/track/prelock
John Adams - Toccare
Flavigula - Dobruszka a její Vepřík - https://submarinebroadcastingco.bandcamp.com/album/j-maraz
Ansgar Wilken - Barn Dance - https://ansgarwilken.bandcamp.com/track/barn-dance
Dick Tree - get me the fuck dead - https://dicktree.bandcamp.com/album/dick-tree-dick-tree-dick-tree
Jack Jack - B - https://jackjacknoise.bandcamp.com/album/jack-jack
John Adams - Common Tones in Simple Time
F.S. Blumm - Extal - https://fsblumm.bandcamp.com/album/in-sight
Gavin Gamboa - Shimmering Cascades - https://gav.cloud/album/zigzagging-syntax
Scheiss die Wand an - 3A Joe Cream
Air Cushion Finish - Unbezahlte �eberstunden - https://aircushionfinish.bandcamp.com/album/abcdearbuds
ESG - Hey!
Oliea - Micro - https://open.audio/library/tracks/99515/
Rope - Rose in the fog - https://rope.bandcamp.com/album/its-no-fun-to-compute
jayrope - Reeds
Naoto Kawate/Soren Brothers - That cannot be - https://uraudiovisual.bandcamp.com/album/ur-036-kyoto-logan