30 January 2021
- Ambient
- Downtempo
- Folk
- Electronic
- Post-punk
- Atmospheric
- Celebratory
- Cinematic
- Dreamy
- Euphoric
Social media: https://mastodon.online/@biesentales
Hosted by Samantha. A retreat for the mind? That sounds more calm than it is.
Includes quite some friends from the Biesentales neighbourhood.

Tonepoet - https://tonepoet.bandcamp.com/ana roxanna - https://anaroxanne.bandcamp.com/
Pan American - https://panamerican.bandcamp.com/
ixelon - https://ixelon.bandcamp.com/releases
Hanna Leess - https://hannaleess.bandcamp.com/album/ha-nn-a
The Dead Brother’s - https://thedeadbrothers.bandcamp.com/
Die Reise - https://diereise.bandcamp.com/
Jackie Lynn - https://jackielynn.bandcamp.com/album/jacqueline
DAIZY&HOLY - https://daizyundholy.bandcamp.com/
Yu Su - https://yusu.bandcamp.com/
Zohar’s Nigun - https://zoharsnigun.bandcamp.com/releases
Tipotheus - https://tipotheus.bandcamp.com/