08 January 2025
- Avant-Garde
- Electronic
- Experimental
- Jazz
- Minimal
- Atmospheric
- Celebratory
- Exotic
- Playful
- Sincere
Hosted/compiled by jayrope. Your host grew up with a vintage Bechstein C grand in his room & recently remembered endless physical joys of pianos again, even while also feeding this into modular synths. So this loose collection of other artists came together, in times of simulation recalling a great instrument, with a focus on (electro-acoustic) experimentation, yet also melodic and/or even contemporary jazz. Enjoy & please share with interested parties. Thank you.
You may find our radio archive at https://open.audio/channels/biesentales_past_episodes

Track listing, partly excerpts and/or overlaysMustapha Skandrani - Rami Maya improvisations - 0:00 - https://emrecords.bandcamp.com/album/istikhbars-and-improvisations-2024-repress
BlankFor.ms, Jason Moran, Marcus Gilmore - onset i (excerpt) - 2:58 - https://redhookrecords.bandcamp.com/album/refract
Mustapha Skandrani - Moual improvisations - 6:09
Kelly Moran - Celandine - 7:41 - https://kellymoran.bandcamp.com/album/bloodroot
BlankFor.ms, Jason Moran, Marcus Gilmore - affectionate, painful - 10:24
Pierre Boulez - Structures, Livre 1 Pour 2 Pianos, 3eme mouvement - 15:14 - https://www.discogs.com/release/13451946-Pierre-Boulez-Le-Domaine-Musical-19561967
jayrope - fo(u)r non-relatives - 17:19 (unreleased)
Kieran Daly - Untitled two movements for piano and live electronics (2021) b. morphologically disparate isorhythmic patterns and function generator with chaotic frequency modulation - 31:36 - CD "Total Orderings for FLEA" - https://www.discogs.com/de/release/25971556-Kieran-Daly-Total-Orderings-for-FLEA
John Bischoff - Piano 7hz - 39:34 - https://www.discogs.com/release/805308-John-Bischoff-Aperture
Peter Ablinger - Voices and Piano, Morton Feldman - 49:48 - https://ablinger.mur.at/voices_and_piano.html
Fahmi Musyid - Denting (Rösler Piano 50's) - 54:50 - https://ideologikal.bandcamp.com/
jayrope - Dreihand Miditüde - 58:18 - unreleased
Savina Yannatou /Julius Gabriel / Agustí Fernández / Barry Guy / Ramón López Part Four - 1:01:12 - https://sluchaj.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-light-of-the-current-myth
Oùat - Alice - 1:16:18 - https://ouat.bandcamp.com/album/trial-of-future-animals
Peter Ablinger - Voices and Piano, Marcel Duchamp - 1:25:16