25 May 2019
- Ambient
- Avant-Garde
- Downtempo
- Electronic
- Hörspiel
- Atmospheric
- Cinematic
- Delicate
- Hypnotic
tales from the wood & der urkunde collagieren hörproben, auswüchse, eindrücke.
ein monolith geruht zwei augen aufzuschlagen. nachträglich.
gut so.

- Herzauskulationsunterricht mit Zeitlupendarstellung von Prof. Dr. med. Holldack- La Houle - Les Révellés
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea - Nemos Organ 1
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea - Excellent Zoophytes
- Carousel #3 (Rework by Cassegrain) · Federico Albanese
- Jan Jelinek - Yoko Ono, you were born into a rich, aristocratic family in Tokyo.
Do you see that in yourself?
- Fair Play? pt 1
- The Dale Cooper Quartet & The Dictaphones
- Burial - Subtemple
- Sontag Shogun - no.8 (Leaves Like Photographs)
- Cloudwarmer - Spread F Observations
- Tout Bleu - it's over
- Mute Speaker - Ectoplasm
- Nativ Instrument Camo - Deep Frog
- Koray Kantarcıoğlu - ATLAS
- Okay Temiz / Johnny Dyani - Orient Trip
- Matthew Revert - Answer Questions
- Tuxedomoon & Cult With No Name - The Slow Club
- Carlos Casas - Patagonian Fiekd Recordings