- Field Recording
- Experimental
- Electronic
- Soundscape
- Atmospheric
- Mystical
A return to deeper Bread this month as freeform palliation and heady invocations blend up with field-recorded textures and incidental sound. Certainly a more reserved and accessible Bread than previous months but nonetheless still pushing far out there and offering an exacting listen for the curious ear.
The Bread.6K mixes utilise a mixture of improvised and generative process, incorporating artificial intelligence programs and stream-of-concsiousness practice to mix hyper-contemporary musics with field-recordings and real time sound capture direct from the internet.
At any one time anything from 1 to 30+ layers of sound are being sourced, layered, re-edited and effected in real-time to create the recorded mix.
The resulting output of this practice manifests in ultra-complex sound collage forms which question the limits of the ‘dj-mix’ process and challenge the idea of singular dimensions and the typical ‘A to B’ directional pathway within a ‘linear’ mix of music and sounds.
As always with the 6K series only music released within the previous 2 years is utilised in Bread.6K #5.