


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Bush of Ghosts #46 w/David Tinning

25 June 2020
  • Ambient
  • Balearic
  • Downtempo
  • Dub
  • Electronic
  • Atmospheric
  • Meditative
  • Psychedelic

June’s edition is up! This is the fourth show recorded from home, which I am having mixed feelings about. In terms of the show, I think the quality is perhaps improving, at least in its professionalism. On the downside, I miss the live-ness of recording at Cashmere, and the interplay between audience and music / moderation. This can make for more of a ramshakle feel, but also creates some magical moments. Ah well, hopefully we’ll be back there soon. In the meantime, this show contains a lot of new music and a handful of older stuff – i’m really happy with it. If anyone wants it without my voice all over it, HMU and I’ll send the music-only file 😉

Screenshot 2020-06-26 at 16.39.36.png


KMRU - Logue

Bullion - Hula Hula

Kate NV - Bells Burp

MinaeMinae - Nackenwirbel

Sven Karcirek - Kayamba Tuc Tuc (Lawrence Edit)

The First Minute of a New Day - November 3rd

Equiknoxx - Elephant Man

African Project - Ethno Beat (Afro Version)

Chapterhouse - We Are The Beautiful (spookys extravaganja dub mix)

DJ 3D - How Many Ways (Refreshers Rework)

JG & Okello - Mzungu Dub

Apiento & Tepper - 606 Dog

Sade - Make Some Room

Kate NV - Lu Na

Durutti Column - Grace

Dr. John - I Walk On Guilded Splinters