


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Bush of Ghosts #51 w/ David Tinning

07 January 2021
  • Balearic
  • Downtempo
  • Electronic
  • Krautrock
  • Space Rock
  • Atmospheric

For the very first time, you can enjoy Bush with out me banging on / moderating all over the quiet bits. This is partially due to logicstal issue of my mic being packed into a suitcase somewhere ready for travels, and partly due to the fucked-offness i was feeling that that planned travel has had to be postponed. Also, I was going to record the moderation on Thursday but was so numb (and hungover) from watching the season finale of Amercian Carnage for endless hours I just couldn’t bring myself to do it… That said i enjoyed doing something approaching a DJ set, and I’m really enthused about a lot of the news music i found for the show. No tracklist this time, but i can ID most things if you are interested in sending me a message.

stay sane, and don’t let the grubby little bastards (and neo nazis) get you down. xxx

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 15.02.46.png
