05 July 2020
- Collage
- Hörspiel
- Poetry
- Reportage
- Spoken Word
- Atmospheric
- Flowing
- Informative
- Provocative
- Sensual
A day in the life of a fool. All doors are closed now. I take off my pants and come back in my room. And listen – from another room. A day in the life of a fool.
Clara Pistner clarapistner.com
Abie Franklin abiefranklin.com
Dagmara Wachulska instagram.com/dagulska/
Paula Carralero Bierzynska carralero-bierzynska.com
Lukas Luzius Leichtle Luziusleichtle.com
Ximena Ferrer Pizarro instagram.com/ximenafegger
Jenna Seedorf jenna-seedorf.de
Tibor Köhne tiborkoehne@web.de
Shira Orion shiraorion.com
and Sarah Lehnerer kh-berlin.de/personen/show/sarah-lehnerer-4371.html
Sarah Johanna Theurer https://backstage.cashmereradio.com/shows/portals/

A day in the life of a fool - Frank Sinatra
Why so seroius - Alpha Steppa (ft. Tenor Youthman)
The linving world - Alpha Steppa
Say Nothing - Baxter Dury