01 October 2023
- Keynote
- Informative
Reader: Cittipunkt Members
Length: 33:29 min
Language: German / English
Individuals of Cittipunkt e.V. read from a range of written materials (in Engl./Ger.) gathered for a yet to be published reader on authorship.
With text fragments by: Maurizio Lazzarato, Daniel Loick, Marion von Osten, Endnotes, Nicolas Siepen, Fred Moten / Stefano Harney, Lars Bang Larsen, Fanny Howe, Lotte L.S. and Villem Flusser
The reading took place on September 17th as part of the exhibit and neighbourhood festival titled „Frequently Asked Questions. Uferhallen 2023“ organized by n.b.k. at the Uferhallen in Wedding.