- Reading
- Informative
Reader: Cittipunkt Librarian
Length: 15:14 min
Language: English
This show inlcudes text bits from Eva Weinmayr’s doctoral thesis, which can be found online as an open source mediawiki titled: „Noun to Verb: an investigation into the micro-politics of publishing through artistic practice“. A small fraction from chapter 5 is read, which among other things talks about the complex dilemmas of classification systems in libraries. More specifically it includes the following interests within the chapter titled:
„Perspectives and framing under the disguise of neutrality“
„Universal language and „controlled vocabulary“
„Charles Cutter’s misguided democratic ideal“
„Dewey’s obsession: standardization and efficiency“
„Library as disciplinary institution“
„Classification – a hierarchical architecture to house the universe of knowledge“
„Sameness and Difference“