- Avant-Garde
- Collage
- Experimental
- Field Recording
- Lecture
- Atmospheric
- Bombastic
- Celebratory
- Cinematic
- Exotic
In this month’s episode of Cryptomnesia we are very excited to introduce to you the thoroughly crafted episode introducing an arrangement of poetic works under the mysterious title known (or unknown) as Polipoesia. Episode #24 introduces a variety of poets selected by Paul Paulun with a brief yet descriptive introduction to many of the fresh sounds and poetic pieces rolling through the airwaves. If you thought poetry wasn’t for you, then have a listen to this month’s show and perhaps you will find a new gateway into the field of Poetry, which you may have never experienced before. Thanks again to Paul Paulun for crafting such a fascinating and wonderful hour and a half sound collage! May we all embrace the sounds of confusion whenever we should be so lucky as to embark on such a journey.
****Episode begins around minute 18, there were recording issues in the studio, sorry about that!

Darling Tell Me (1961) Wilfred Jackie EdwardsSuicide Sutra (1973) John Giorno
Dada Lama (1966) bpNichol
Amore (1923) Nelson Morpurgo
Tensao (written 1956, recorded 1992) Augusto De Campos
Canal Street 19 Bernard Heidsieck
Church Car (1979-1982) Charles Amirkhanian
Recalling All Active Agents (1960) William S. Burroughs
Region 1:"Rouge rouge..." in 4 languages (1967) Harlheinz Stockhausen
Le Sirene Demetrio Stratos
Sinergicoral B. Enzo Minarelli
In the Country Ernst Jandi
The New York Lament (1981) Sten Hanson
young Turtle Asymmetries Jackson Mac Low
Monotony Four Horsemen
Veronika (1953)-adaptation: Jan Bruyndonckx Paul de Vree
La Chanson du Parlement Europeen (1968) Henri Chopin
Gong Poem Neil Mills
Ma Kunta Aarif Yarait (I wish I had known) Abdel El Aziz Al Mubarak