15 April 2024
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In this months episode we’ll be pressing an ear to the words and world of Iris Murdoch, whose work will steer us towards a brief look into Simon Weil – who will lead us finally to Eleanor Bron and the Beatles. Hope you enjoy the tour.

The Shames - My World Is Upside DownGet the plot right first: Iris Murdoch on writing fiction
Iris Murdoch on Philosophy and Literature
J. Krishnamurti & Iris Murdoch - Brockwood Park 1984
Justin Broackes: Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil (Royal Institute of Philosophy)
SIMONE WEIL – BBC Radio 4 | Great Lives With: Matthew Parris, Eleanor Bron
The Making of Help!
Beatles mit Eleanor Bron in Salzburg (1965)
Die Beatles - Hilf