17 March 2025
- Arts & Culture
- Collage
- Poetry
- Dreamy
- Druggy
- Ethereal
In this show you'll be hearing an odd mix of lectures, interviews, readings and melodies all relating to something like meaning. Or, maybe not. Have a listen and see where it takes your mind… Thanks for tuning in….

Hares On The Mountain Shirley Collins · Davy GrahamDavid Foster Wallace discusses Consumerism (2003)
Story Of Rasha & Dhara
Viktor Frankl: Self-Actualization is not the goal
Spacemen 3 - Just to see you smile
Charles Bukowski: Why most Writers are Boring.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Charlie megira
Brian Eno message - Don't get a job
Kate Bush: Sexuality VS Sensuality, Creativity, Individuality & Self-Trust | Feminine Wisdom
James Baldwin — I'm writing for people, baby (Meeting the man)
The American Analog Set - The Only One
Bertrand Russell on God (1959)
Mia Gargaret Body
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock (Live In-Studio 1970)
Rare Jonestown Survivor Interview: Tim and Mike Carter 1978
Parliament - Give Up The Funk