15 January 2018
- Avant-Garde
- Electronic
- Experimental
- Jazz
- Atmospheric
- Dark
- Dreamy
- Laid-Back
- Psychedelic
very special very self-involved episode—listening to the entirety of new releases TRAPEZOID TAPPERS (Plastic Bags) and WATCHING THE PSYCHO (Primitive Languages) and talking about how the tracks were made. Thanks to special guests Sakrowski and DJ ShlucHT for stopping by and asking questions.

WW - WasserturmWW - Now I have flies
WW - Accepting motten
WW - Mückenspree
WW - Mamotten
WW - Verwirrende motte
WW - Psycho motte
WW - 5am motte
WW - Ratten v motten
WW - Ratten sind gestorben
WW - Sorry
WW - Böse mango
WW - Onwon
Conrad Schnitzler - Coca Cola
Nick Klein - How to Swallow a Sword
Borsig - Hiroshima
Kode9 - Samurai
Still - Naznet (wasp riddim)
Young Male - Aluminum Sleep