


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Desintegrationkurs #6 w/ Kaloan and Bolinho as guest

27 December 2023
  • Middle East & North African
  • Latin
  • Confused

Desintegrationkurs" is a radio show that focuses on a decolonial immigrant perspective of experimental music from Latin America and the global South, but not exclusively.

In this show we have Kaloan with a selection of musics from Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon and Jodan.

Ans as special guest we have Bolinho from So Paulo Brazil.

DK #6.png


Sounds from the video "Constant surveilance Israeli drones over Gaza” by Middle East Eye
Riad Awwad, Hanan Awwad and Mahmoud Darwish - Palestinian Land
PRAED Orchestra! - The Micro Dwarf Wave
Majazz Project : Palestine Sound Archive - Halalalalayya
Julmud - Saree' el thawaban
Karkhana - Al Sal3awa
Abul-Loul the Singer and the Hole - Nar El Ghera نار الغيرة
Radio Palestine Sounds of the Eastern Mediterranean V.A. - Lo-Fi Nubia

Hello - Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda de Tempo
Madalena - Besouro Mulher
A Rã - João Donato
Pra não morrer de tristeza - Ney Matogrosso
Jamburana - Dona Onete (Ponkan Edit)
Déjenmen Gozar - San Ignacio
Carimbo da Noia - Thomash
Por Amor Sou Capaz de Enlouquecer - kadu.memo mash up
Misturação - Walter Franco
La Resignación del Pirata - Matiah Chinaski
La Ventana Cerrada - Matiah Chinaski

Check and support Bolinho

Check and support Kaloan:

support artists from global south ;)