27 December 2023
- Middle East & North African
- Latin
- Confused
Desintegrationkurs" is a radio show that focuses on a decolonial immigrant perspective of experimental music from Latin America and the global South, but not exclusively.
In this show we have Kaloan with a selection of musics from Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon and Jodan.
Ans as special guest we have Bolinho from So Paulo Brazil.

KaloanSounds from the video "Constant surveilance Israeli drones over Gaza” by Middle East Eye
Riad Awwad, Hanan Awwad and Mahmoud Darwish - Palestinian Land
PRAED Orchestra! - The Micro Dwarf Wave
Majazz Project : Palestine Sound Archive - Halalalalayya
Julmud - Saree' el thawaban
Karkhana - Al Sal3awa
Abul-Loul the Singer and the Hole - Nar El Ghera نار الغيرة
Radio Palestine Sounds of the Eastern Mediterranean V.A. - Lo-Fi Nubia
Hello - Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda de Tempo
Madalena - Besouro Mulher
A Rã - João Donato
Pra não morrer de tristeza - Ney Matogrosso
Jamburana - Dona Onete (Ponkan Edit)
Déjenmen Gozar - San Ignacio
Carimbo da Noia - Thomash
Por Amor Sou Capaz de Enlouquecer - kadu.memo mash up
Misturação - Walter Franco
La Resignación del Pirata - Matiah Chinaski
La Ventana Cerrada - Matiah Chinaski
Check and support Bolinho
Check and support Kaloan:
support artists from global south ;)