14 April 2018
- Avant-Garde
- Collage
- Internet
- Radiophonic
- Druggy
- Melancholy
- Trashy
Dj Shlucht went on a research trip to visit the united states of america and to collect interviews, music, zines & images.
this is the very first collage approach of interviews, music & other stuff, that can be useful for the purpose of radio and over all information.
so don t judge !!!
His trip took him to miami where most of the interviews took place and he even dared to go to texas/houston to collect some more interviews and make radio.
Infos to some of the people being interviewed and some sources for sounds:
dump.fm – http://dump.fm/
mmc – https://miamimusicclub.com/
marilyn gottlieb-roberts – http://www.durabletale.com/
primitive languages – https://primitivelanguages.bandcamp.com/
hot releases – https://hotreleases.bandcamp.com/