24 April 2019
- Deep House
- Drone
- Experimental
- Soundscape
- Atmospheric
- Dreamy
- Ethereal
- Meditative
- Sensual
in this edition, at that nexus where past present and future are happening at the same time, the emphasis is predominantly on the afrocentric vocal. deep house, original cuts from 88-90, deep lyrics, deep sentiments, further evolved by motown accapellas and doodop… all of this to a backdrop of pygmy drums, african savanahs and my hallmark drone treatments of aspects of the show. the lyric, the sentiment, the aims …. sincerity as a doorway to a better place, an antedote to the poison of the malais rampant, an immunisation against the incoming insanity of the superego… immerse yourself in dreamtime…..

african savanah: field recordingpygmy chant: ed2000 extended edit
tropical moon: its alright ed2000 edit
ed2000: slo
ten city: thats the way love is drone
ten city: thats the way love is
miranda sex garden: gush forth my tears acapella
over the rainbow - doo wop vocal harmony version
undisputed truth smiling faces acapella
inside my house
marshall jefferson: truth - open your eyes
arnold jarvis: take some time out
james harris: dont go please stay-ed2000 extended edit
true funk: 4am-ed2000 extended edit