07 June 2022
- Collage
- Drone
- Field Recording
- Atmospheric
- Celebratory
- Flowing
- Intense
This show is very special for me because i was was able to host Vera Dvale and it's the first show where my guest and I don't just play dub music.
The first half of the recording i'm playing mostly continuous sonic situations. It starts with a field recording from Porto where Vera and me played at a party the day before that recording was made.
The second half Vera Dvale plays very peculiar sounds that let the imagination go to places i haven’t been before.
Thank you Vera!

Fieldrecording Porto 30.5.2022Snoweight 2 - Eleh
Silence - Moritz von Oswald
Solanus (Extracted) - Vainqueur
Anrop - Fader Vår Som Är I Himmelen - Ralph Lundsten
Dark Money Dub - I-LP-O In Dub
Drums - Moritz Von Oswald & Ordo Sakhna
Kuntur Ko - Cecilia Vicuña
A Forum For the Arts - Arne Nordheim
The Book of Sunken Memory - Kazuya NAgaya
Reinsdyrbjøller - Benedicte Maurseth
Koer ja kass - Imbi Valgemäe
Poimi kyynelet merestä, oli muuksi muuttunehet / Yoldia - Unknown Artist
Untitled - Wieland Samolak