26 November 2017
- Experimental
- Folk/Regional
- Industrial
- Montage
- Oddities
- Bombastic
- Cold
- Dark
- Intense
- Jacking
An audio collage, replete with interviews and sonic ephemera from the intrepid travels of Easterndaze around central and eastern Europe.
Easterndaze is a project established in 2010. Initially started as an audio travelogue charting the new music developments in Central and Eastern Europe. From Bucharest to Skopje, Poznan to Kosice, Easterndaze has travelled the region and talked to bedroom producers, DIY label owners, organisers, etc. The project aims to connect and uncover projects/labels/musicians/initiatives that have sprung in the last few years across the region, and contextualise them within the specific sociopolitical, economic and historical perspective.

Alley Catss - ⎲⎝ ⎞⎲ ⁀ ⁔⎲(Daddypower, 2017)Dwellings – Capital Anthem (upcoming on Red for Colour Blind)
Alley Catss – Diary (Daddypower, 2017)
Tatabánya, Hungary 2017
Byala beach, Bulgaria, August 2017
Skype interview with low income $quad (excerpt)
Nagrobki - Eskalacja Smutku e-moll op. 1 (BDTA, 2017)
Czarny Latawiec – A Love Supremme (BDTA, 2017)
Admina – Destroy Patriarchy Izabela Dłużyk – Call of the night (LOM, 2017)
Interview with Cristian Bowie (Varna, Bulgaria 2017)
Antitelo – Opservatorija-Eksatza (NAUK, 2012)
Mrtvi – Sound C128 (NAUK, 2012)
Mazut – Sheffield (BDTA, 2017)
Ratkiller – Nasty Travesty (Rotifer, 2017)
Byala beach, Bulgaria, August 2017 Byala, Bulgaria, August 2017
Umbra – Rampant (Baba Vanga, 2017)
Umbra – Pedal (Baba Vanga, 2017) Grupa Etyka Kurpina - Chapter 1 [ppt41] (Pawlacz Perski, 2017)
Fausto Mercier – Neural Unreal (Exiles, 2017)
Fausto Mercier – Unreal Neural (Exiles, 2017)
Stílus Együttes / Style Group - Téli Tavaszváró (Demo)
Authorized personnel - Lucy Bradley
Ewa Justka - Satan is Raving