- Ambient
- Avant-Garde
- Drone
- Experimental
- Field Recording
- Atmospheric
- Dreamy
- Ethereal
- Meditative
- Psychedelic
For the 20th episode, I’m celebrating the upcoming release of Sun Dial I (DCF77)! Sun Dial I (DCF77) is the documentation of a site responsive land art installation which challenges the current measurement of time. DCF77 is a long wave transmission station located in Mainflingen, Germany. This array of broadcast antennas sends out a powerful pulse each second at the frequency of 77.5khz.
I secretly installed a Sun Dial in the field where DCF77’s antennas are located. The juxtaposition of these time keeping methods (one ancient, local, dependent on nature and the other ultra-modern, trans-national, and machine based) creates a site responsive environment. Inaccessible behind a barbed wire fence, the sun dial stands alone, quietly generating its own fragile frequency, questioning our relationship with time.
It's a sort of kaleidoscopic release, via cassette, digital, photography, film, and NFT. Experimenting to share a work that basically no one can visit unless they're willing to jump a barbed wire fence (if it even still exists).
Time, like sound, is invisible, fluid, without body. We can measure it, try to capture it in a wristwatch or an mp3 – but these are just representations of an event already past. We are living in the echo of the industrial revolution, and the world is becoming a carefully regulated factory. Through experiencing other modes of time perception, we can become less efficient and more human.
In addition to the Sun Dial I pieces, I also share a variety of unreleased material, weaving the songs in and out of DCF 77’ pulse. Even better than that, my daughter, Alma, makes a surprise appearance.

1. Sun Dial I (DCF77) – Environment & Transmission – Eric Maltz2. Sun Dial I (DCF77) – Part 1 – Eric Maltz
3. Sun Dial I (DCF77) – Part 2 – Eric Maltz
4. Sun Dial I (DCF77) – Part 3 – Eric Maltz
5. Certain Inversion – Eric Maltz
6. Earth Materials 7 – Eric Maltz
7. Earth Materials 3 – Eric Maltz
8. Earth Materials 1A – Eric Maltz
9. The Rindik is Not a Carry On – Eric Maltz
10. Mantra 2 – Eric Maltz