30 March 2020
- Ambient
- Delicate
- Ethereal
- Dreamy
- Druggy
- Meditative
Dear friend of ours and posthuman artist ~ Cynthia ~ takes over the Fantasy Fiction show for an hour and half of sonic bedtime stories.
Cynthia is interested in the research and development of ideas concerning the approaching evolution/transition from human to posthuman beings.
- Life beyond the Self
- Life beyond the Species
- Life beyond Death
- Life beyond Description
Sonic Story 1:
Shipwrecked Journey to the 6th World
Sonic Story 2:
Organic Lounge Lizards in the South Pacific
Sonic Story 3
How Do the Posthumans Hear?
See more of Cynthia here : https://www.instagram.com/aporialabyrinth/
Virtual Temple Design by Isabel Cavenecia