09 October 2018
- Ambient
- Jazz
- Arts & Culture
- Atmospheric
- Dreamy
- Playful
Gigsta welcomes her dear friend Marylou this month to play music about and around animals. A regular host on French radio, Rinse, Marylou is also a DJ and a painter. She brought some records and a few poems by Basho. Cashmere’s Gigsta introduced and concluded the show with various sound pieces and the usual odd collage.

Ursula K Le Guin & Todd Barton – Twilight SongLouise Landes Levi - Ikiru and The Wanderer IKIRU
Georges Orwell - Animal Farm
Les Poules - Petites Poules - Les Contes de l’Amère Loi
*** guest mix ***
Francis Dhomont - Drôles d'oiseaux
Grain - Ralphy
Parris - Hanging with Birds
Manos Tsangaris - Elephants Cry Salty Tears