19 January 2021
- Ambient
- Downtempo
- Avant-Garde
- Electronic
- Experimental
- Chaotic
- Dreamy
- Confused
- Sincere
I’m (Susanna) taking over Fictions for the next 6 months. Starting off with some music I liked that was released in 2020, probably the more oblique side of things.

Oneohtrix Point Never - Auto & AlloShanique Marie and Swing ting - Give Thanks [smooth]
Parris - yūrei
Kelman Duran - Boy Boy
Aeoi - Down with you (brandy refix)
Terminal 11 - overload
Piezo - Water Chamber
Sid Quirk - Keep it inside
Weird weather - Paint
The bug - Forever
Ura Blueing
Flora yin-wong - Wood for the trees
Guido Flichman - Piroclastos
Thugwidow - ------------convoluted
Dæmon and Endgame - 530l
Kalash - Ecrasement de tête
Dua Saleh - M0th
OL - Low enforcement
Masaki Uchida - Selene
Kelly Moran - Sodalis
Dreamcycles - Memory Laneways
Felicia Atkinson - Swan
Yamaneko - Tripel Karmeliet
Sophia Loizou - FLuxes
Asuna + Tomoyoshi Date + Federico Durand - The pond of the water mirror garden