01 May 2018
- Electronic
- Classical
- Modern Classical
- Minimal
- Ethereal
Fulmen’s fifth episode is about crystalline sounds and pristine patterns.
J.S. Bach - Sarabanda BWB 995Laurie Spiegel - Patchwork
Gigi Masin - Call me
Recondite - Felicity
Oneothrix Point Never - Computer Vision
Steve Reich - Electric Counterpoint, II, Slow by Joby Burgess (Xylosynth)
Caterina Barbieri - Virgo Rebellion
Steve Moore - Zero Point Field
Lorenzo Senni - Angel
Summe - B2
Colin Stetson - Like Wolves on The Fold
Josef Van Wissem - The mirror of Ethernal Light
Antiloop - Signing Off
Pavel Milyakov - Main Loop