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Eve Essex hosts musicologist David Gutkin for a look into the scene and sounds affiliated with New York’s Lovely Music imprint, with music from Robert Ashley, Eliane Radigue, Leroy Jenkins and many more. Founded in 1978 by Mimi Johnson, Lovely Music’s released releases include many seminal documents of American experimentalism after 1970, cutting across several generations of artists whose practices are wide-ranging in genre and format. For many of the artists on the label, a common thread was the artists’ relationship to composer Robert Ashley– who served as a collaborator, professor, mentor, or friend to many of them. Conversation touches on the music of Ashley, as well some themes running through many releases on the label: radical approaches to the voice and to textual meaning, new approaches to improvisation including networked electronics, and a melding of pop, jazz and classical among other genres.

Robert Ashley - Automatic WritingJon Hassell - Toucan Ocean
Jill Kroesen - I’m Sorry I’m Such a Weenie
Paul De Marinis source materials - Lecon par L’aiguille
Paul De Marinis - Fonetica Francese
Leroy Jenkins - Space Minds, New Worlds, Survival of America
Leroy Jenkins - Hipnosis
League of Automatic Music Composers - Dense Drone
Eliane Radigue - Jetsun Mila
Joan La Barbara - Cathing
Meredith Monk - Do you be?
Chris Mann - Humility: On Eating Your Words
Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom - Wishes
Blue “Gene” Tyranny - Leading a Double Life
Peter Gordon - I’m Dreaming in the Sun and Dreaming in the Moon
Robert Ashley - Improvement: The Airline Ticket Counter
Robert Ashley - Improvement: Tarzan