04 November 2023
- Avant-Garde
- Experimental
- Middle East & North African
- Laid-Back
during this show of INSIJAM-ing (harmony in Arabic) with chances and encounters, field recordings, spoken words, and Lebanese/Levantine instrumental pieces were strongly present –

Lewis Gilbert - Atlantic OceanLiban: 20 poèmes pour un amour - Nadia Tuéni - dits par Catherine Sellers et Pierre Tabard
Bass Clef Poetry - See
Sean McCann - Damals
Bex Burch - If I was you, I'd be doing exactly the same
Severina Gazzelloni - Flöte
Lejaren Hiller - Computer Music Retrospective
Tobermory and Other Stories by Saki, read by Keith Baxter
Judith Hamann - Humming Suite I - Étude for one cello and one voice
Philip Jeck - As My Shadow Passes…
Luth Traditionnel - Jamil Bachir
Philip Corner - Gong! (Transcription For Low Strings)
Jóhann Jóhannsson - Tu non mi perderai mai
Jeff Central & Chris Phinney - Turbulence
Chris Watson - Glastonbury Ocean Soundscape
Jana Winderen - Out of Range
Le Liban En Musique - Volume 1
Lewis Gilbert - A Pond Symphony
The sound of Canard Bird on cassette
John Cage - Third Construction
Alvin Curran - Canti Illuminati [For Voice, Synthesizer, Tape]
Bana Haffar - blue like the sun
David Moss - Terrain
Éliane Radigue - Le temps (1977)
Eugeniusz Rudnik - Moulin Diabolique
Praed - Djinn Dance
The Ultimate Dreamers - Education
Éliane Radigue - Devenir musicienne (1976)
Henri Pousseur - Parabolique d'Enfer #10
Jana Winderen - The Listener