


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Navi A Palermo #4 w/Gianni Gebbia

26 February 2018
  • Improv
  • Interview
  • Jazz
  • Atmospheric
  • Intense
  • Meditative

The fourth episode of Navi A Palermo sees the appearance of saxophonist, composer and free-jazz legend Gianni Gebbia.

Marcello Cangemi (a.k.a. Chameleons and the Mirrors) invited Gebbia to the Zeit Studio* in Palermo (IT) to record a session and to present his new album “Logismoi” as Cupis, together with Berlin based sound artist Giovanni Verga. The outcome is pure delight for our ears.

The interview with the Sicilian composer is full-packed with knowledge. Definitely not to be missed!


*Recording Engineer: Luca Rinaudo

Maestrale Palermo


Chameleons and the Mirrors

Sun Ra - Of Heavenly Things

John Coltrane - My Favorite Things

Archie Shepp - Blasé

Lennie Tristano - Requiem

Matana Roberts - Kersaia

Ornette Coleman - Buddha Blues

Ralph Towner - Oceanus

Peter Brötzmann Quartett - Fat Man Walks

Spring Heel Jack - Disappeared 2


Cupis - Acedia

Cupis - Porneia

Cupis - Uperephania

Cupis - Quiesce

Gianni Gebbia and Gabrio Bevilacqua impro session
Cupis - Kenodoxia