17 December 2019
- Avant-Garde
- Industrial
- Oddities
- Atmospheric
- Dark
- Gritty
Sync Sapro is an experimental electronic musician based in NYC with a background in video synthesis and a penchant for the irreverent and off-kilter. In this special edition of No Exit, they mix moody but heady outsider/avant-garde electronics from the 60s to modern day. Check out more of their work here:
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/syncsapro
RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/syncsapro
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sync_sapro/?hl=en

1. Ann Gillis - Silence2. Arcane Device - Lathe
3. Ruth White - Owls
4. Conrad Schnitzler - Metall
5. Shane English - Off Script
6. Maryanne Amacher - Dense Boogie 1
7. Ruth White - Spleen
8. Illusion of Safety - Everythings
9. Tom Ellard - Cross
10. Die Form - Stranger
11. Dajuin Yao - Satisfaction of Oscillation
12. Sync Sapro - Split Self (unreleased)
13. Rrose - Curl
14. Nocturnal Emissions - Acres of Gold