20 March 2023
- Darkwave
- Electro
- Minimal Synth
- Celebratory
- Informative
O.J.A.I.’s March broadcast marks the third anniversary of Gabi Delgado’s death in 2020. As an O.J.A.I. Retroactive Member we remember him for his pioneering musical experimentation as well as subversion and criticality in a musical context. The retrospective includes a brief history of the band DAF he co-founded, some ultra-fandom contributions by Padraic E. Moore and Alex Pfeiffenberger as well as recollections of personal encounters by Merle Vorwald. And of course lots of tracks.

Gabi Delgado - Liebe auf den ersten BlickMittagspause - Überblick
Westbam- Remix (exerpt)
DAF - Kinderfunk
Chrislo Haas - Fils d’O
Der Plan- Wir werden immer mehr
DAF - Muskelkraft
Donna Summer - I feel love (exerpt)
Robert Görl - I love me
DAF- Absolute Body Control
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Ich und die Wirklichkeit
DAF - Tanz den Mussolinin
Delgado/Wilke DAF/DOS - Zurück nach Marzahn
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Muskel
DAF - Alle gegen Alle
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - El Que