


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence #53 Crime

13 May 2024
  • Experimental
  • Industrial
  • Minimal Synth
  • Post-punk
  • Soundtrack
  • Cynical
  • Dark
  • Druggy
  • Gritty

O.J.A.I.'s May broadcast is dedicated to musical and audio-artistic interpretations of crime. Serial killers are a bit overrepresented. This is the soundtrack of a recent crimewave in Brussels, a city in the grips of public disorder. With tracks by Spadelove, Brandstifter, Throbbing Gristle,Sun O)), Mahlsdorfer Wohnstubenorchester and many more.



The Cop Killers - Theme
O.J.A.I. PISA sound - police toy car
High Bias -The Killing of Cats
Sex Pistols - No one is Innocent
Ornament und Verbrechen - Heroin Death Of Sid Vicious
Pink Flamingos - live shooting with Divine
Throbbing Gristle - Leeds Ripper
_'bø_zə_ - Spadelove (Chris Dreier, Frank Lohmeyer)
A’Grumh - Drama in the Subway
Mahlsdorfer Wohnstubenorchester - Zerhackt
Church of Misery - Room 213
Sun O))) - Bathory Erzebet
Catharsist - Things from Trial
Kriminelle Tanzkapelle - Klatschmohn
Joe Meek - Valley of No Return
Underground Resistance - Unabomber
Monte Cazazza - Candyman
Female Trouble - Shooting scene with Divine