23 November 2020
- Dub
- Post-punk
- Experimental
- Soundtrack
- Gritty
Finance-themed music and monologues about cash abolition, Blackrock and crypto currency. And the 1000 dollar question. Money, money, money.

O.J.A.I./Dexia Defunct Rücksichtslosigkeit
The Flying Lizards Money
Lee Perry Vendetta
Chris Dreier I AM
Donna Summer She works hard for the Money
O.J.A.I./Dexia defunct Dollars into Marks
Fehlfarben Dollars and Deutschmarks
Al Jolson Brother, can you spare a Dime
Wu-Tan Clan C.R.E.A.M.
Buck Owens Waiting in your Welfare Lines
Winnie the Pouf Universal Basic Income
B 52s Legal Tender
Kraftwerk Computer World
Ennio Morricone For a few Dollars more