- Folk
- Hip Hop
- Interview
- Electronic
- Dreamy
- Cold
- Atmospheric
- Laid-Back
- Melancholy
My friend Jimmy was over after we`ve been apart for some time. We used to have little kitchenpartys together where we just listened to records and maaaaybe maaaybe drink a bit, so, So, it was time for a little something like that again, just on time for the offical beginning of autumn.
We brought some herbstliche Lieder and also talked a bit about his new movie ” Hard Enough” that is still in the making. Now í want to take the chance to leave the links to his new movie, but also to his “old” one “Roots in the heart” you can watch at a festival next month,https://www.facebook.com/events/1641721992617587/ listen! to the show… And “Hard enough” infos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h293g8bZS4A and follow them here maybe https://www.facebook.com/HardEnough80sAustralianSprintcarDocu/
So anyway it was another cozy night at Cashmere Radio Radio adio dio io o o…..