05 September 2020
- Arts & Culture
- Lecture
- Non-Music
- Oddities
- Reading
- Atmospheric
- Delicate
- Ethereal
- Informative
- Laid-Back
Taking Brecht’s theory of the radio and philosophical ideas of the Russian Avantgarde as a part of departure, the duo examines the – then – new medium of the radio in relation to questions of the “new” in media.
The piece was first exhibited in Lehnbachhaus in Munich as part of the exhibition “Radio as Social Sculpture” in July 2020.
Limina are a duo that consists of Misa and Nils.

1. Dziga Vertov, Radio Ear/Radio-Pravda (1925)2. Dziga Vertov, Dombass Symphony 1 (1930)
3. Arseny Avraamov, Symphony of Sirens (1922)