- Ambient
- Arts & Culture
- Oddities
- Internet
- Collage
- Dreamy
- Ethereal
- Informative
- Meditative
- Sincere
Lou Drago’s recent research solicits potential affinities between all of those who are oppressed under neoliberalism in an earnest attempt to inspire a renewed sense of collective imagination among a disaffected and fragmented Left. This 'Radical Sociability' could be described as a way of reimagining social relations outside of racial capitalism and identity-based logic for collective liberation. For this episode of Plus X, they have created a concise version of the audible material from their listening-occasion, Fragments for Affinity, that combines this more theoretical/experiential research with their
ongoing sound and live-art practice. Drago uses the term 'listening-occasion' to describe their live-art format, the compound being inspired by friend and collaborator Isabel Lewis' concept of 'Occasions' and Pauline Oliveros' term 'deep-listening'.
Lou Drago is a Berlin-based multi-disciplinary artist who weaves onnections between anti-racist-queer-feminisms, meditation, the healing potential of sound, and the necessity for collectivity and connectivity during neoliberal times. Lou's recent artistic works combine their experiential-theoretical research with their sound-based practice to create what they call 'listening occasions' for being-together and being with oneself, with others. Since 2017 they have been curating and hosting Transience, an ambient, experimental, drone, glitch and experient focused show on Cashmere Radio. Each month a different guest responds to the brief of creating a temporary suspension of reality, where the listener can speculate on alternate futures free from systems of oppression.

- Fred Hampton - Fight Fire with Fire (?) Youtube- Fred Moten - T.S. Eliot Memorial Reading (2019) Youtube
- Angela Davis - Oppression and Repression in the U.S. (1972) Youtube
- Ash Sakar, Michael Walker and Aaron Bastani - Cancel Culture, Cancelled? (2020) Novaramedia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwtM50dpOYA
- Audre Lorde - Uses of the Erotic (1978) Youtube
- adrienne maree brown - Compassionate Communities. Emergent
Strategy Shaping Change, Changing Worlds (2017) Youtube
- adrienne maree brown - On cancellation, abolition and healing
(2021) Youtube
- Wanda Gaimes - Harm Reduction (2021) An Endless Dance, Sophiensaele
- Wanda Gaimes - reads Sean Bonney (2021) Live
- Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin - debate (1962) Youtube
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Blackout for Human Rights, MLK Now (2020)
- adrienne maree brown - How to Survive the End of the World (2020)
- Jon Kabat-Zinn - Suffering (2021) Ten Percent Happier
- rev. angel Kyodo Williams - Embodied Social Justice Summit (2021)
- Tanya Selvaratnam - Intimate partner violence (2021) Ten Percent
- Chenjerai Kumanyika - Questions (2017) Ten Percent Happier
- Naomi Klein - Let Them Drown: The Violence of Othering in a
Warming World (2016) London Review of Books Lecture
- Mushim Patricia Ikeda - Anger, Uncertainty and Self-loathing (2021)
Ten Percent Happier Podcast
- Terry Real - Domination (2018) Scene On Radio
- Sonya Renee Taylor - Domination (2021) Ten Percent Happier
- Kate Johnson - What the buddha taught about friendship (2021)
Ten Percent Happier Podcast
- Jameela Jamil - Mental Self Defense (2021) Ten Percent Happier
- Valerie (vimalasara) Mason-John - Going for Refuge (2020) Insight
- Jeremy Gilbert, Nadia Idle and Keir Milburn - Revolution (2021)
- Jeremy Gilbert, Keir Milburn and Nadia Idle - Unity and Difference
(2022) #ACFM
- Angela Davis - Oppression and Repression in the U.S (1972)
- Matthew Brensilver - Why Self-hatred makes no sense (2022) Ten
Percent Happier Podcast
- Kehinde Andrew - What is Black Radicalism (2021) Novaramedia
- Evan Thompson - Why i'm not a buddhist (2022) Ten Percent
Happier Podcast
- Swami Tyagananda - Hinduism 101 (2022) Ten Percent Happier
- Keir Milburn - Microdose: Revolution from Cromwell to Castro
(2021) #ACFM
- Nadia Idle and Norah Lopez Holden - Unity on the Frontline (2022)
- James Butler and Amia Srinivasan - The RIght to Sex (2022)
- Amy Goodman, António Guterras, Bill McKibbon (2022) Democracy
- Ron Siegel - The Joys of Insignifigance (2022) Ten Percent Happier
- Natalie Wynn, Ben Burgis, Richard Kennedy and Lou Drago -
Radical Sociability: Cancelling The Toxicity in Cancel Culture (2020)
Unsound Festival
- Charisse Burden-Stelly - To the Victor (2021) Scene on Radio
- Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention (2022) Ten Percent
Music :
Yoshio Ojima - Entrance
Andrew Pekler - Browser Music 3
Florian T M Zeisig - Giving-receiving
N Chambers - Seola Beach Drive
Fortresses - Jade
Clearing - 4am
Yolabmi - III
Megan Alice Clune - Frisson
Kimina - Chihei
Andrew Pekler & Giuseppe Ielasi - Ikoma
José Maria Delgado - en mi lugar
emaenuel - Earth (edit)