- Euphoric
- Funky
- Playful
- Soulful
- Uplifting
Nina Emge & Vanessà Heer are part of WARM, a feminist collective from Zurich that creates situations in which women* can musically exchange and experiment.
It is important to them to provide spaces that are safe, considerate, warm and yet critical. The collective-members share an interest in the collaborative and transformative effect of sound and music – whether that is in art, theatre or writing. Together they organise DJ workshops, sound jam sessions and various discursive formats around the theme of critical, active listening for women*. Furthermore, as a DJ collective they perform at listening sessions, radio shows and parties.
Nina Emge lives between Berlin and Zürich. She works primarily with sculpture and sound. Her work explores the question of who is being listened to, in which context are people listening, and how to locate sound politically.
Vanessà Heer explores in her work the political possibilities of active listening and how it can be used as a feminist, decolonial and attentive tool. In both her performative and installative works, she orients towards questions of solidarity, collaboration, the dissolving authorship, and the challenges of self-precarization.

1. Beginning (Original Long Version) - 関根真理* = Mari Sekine - Beginning2. Common Fate - Jessica Ekomane
3. Beginning (Original Long Version) - 関根真理* = Mari Sekine - Beginning
4. Concrete (Woz remix) - KRY WOLF - Concrete
5. Pakar Gula Gending - Wahono - Animisme
6. Trance Sexual - Fantastic Man - Rhythm Algorithm 12“
7. Untitled 02 - Uwalmassa - Bumi Uthiri
8. Looser - RIP Swirl - 9TEEN90
9. B1 Untitled - De Leon - De Leon
10. Simulated Wood - New - Amberdelic Space - Disc 4
11. Untitled 06 - Uwalmassa - Animisme
12. Gold Cave - TSVI
13. Hell On Wheels - LaBoK - Couvre x Chefs
14. Lilith - Little Snake - MENTAL WEALTH
15. Freakquency - LSDXOXO - Body Mods
16. Raganu Nakts - Tautumeitas - Tautumeitas
17. Meu Nome é Gal - Gal Costa - Gal Costa