- Ambient
- Arts & Culture
- Field Recording
- Oddities
- Soundscape
- Ethereal
- Flowing
- Hypnotic
- Meditative
- Mystical
»iaga in limbo« is an audio work by Sophia Lökenhoff and Mona Sachße hosted by Sarafina McLeod and starred by PlusX.
»iaga in limbo« unveils a guided dream journey of dense fields and qualities ~ of places filled with magical powers. Arising figures, landscapes, and objects function as a form of preparation and prefiguration. The upcoming embodiment of a transindividuated yet fabulated life form – IAGA – seeps into being.
Mona Sachße and Sophia Lökenhoff created this audio piece during a residency in Worpswerde as part of the project »STORIES OF EMPATHY«, organized by Stella von Rhoden, Philine Griem, and the Künstler*innenhäuser Worpswede.
Mona and Sophia collected field recordings in the immediate surrounding of the Künstler*innenhäuser Worpswede. While Mona morphed these noise recordings into sound fields to support a scenery of limbo – Sophia was writing a meditative narration, like a guided dream journey ~ using a specific sequence of tarot cards as a form of score writing and world-making.
One enters through iaga in limbo a guided dream journey of dense fields and qualities ~ of places filled with magical powers. The figures, landscapes, and objects that arise in this journey function as a form of preparation for the upcoming embodiment of a fabulated being, called IAGA.
The whole audio piece is made from a guided dream narration; a compilation of channelled visual meditations inspired by various tarot cards:
XIII Death, VIII Adjustment, II High Priestxss, IX Hermitix, including Ace of Wands, and XVIII Moon, including Nine of Cups and Nine of Pentacles
On the importance of the Tarot Cards:
THE CONTEMPLATIVE POSSIBILITY ~ like diving into the surface of a silent lake, diving in into a Card, you start dipping into a world of one's own ~ inconceivable and limitless. TAROT CARDS as a practise of world making ~ to awaken ones imaginative capacities ~