- Arts & Culture
- Comedy
- Chaotic
- Excitable
- Playful
"We juggle, we sing, we good…What more do you want?!" The performance Juggling Concert is marinated in a cocktail of sweary comments on the internet, an anti-authoritarian fuck-off mentality and three slices of beetroot. It's a girl band, a boy band and a juggling choir. Longing for nursery rhymes and fart jokes, the chance for fame flew by. Nevertheless, Jugging Concert is one of the most valuable products on earth. It is a fruit of Slovenian soil, with common topics such as the success and failure of late capitalism, personal responsability for the succes and failure of late capitalism, technological progress and dystopia.
Mismo Nismo [eng. WeAre WeAren’t) is a new alt-art circus collective based in Slovenia.
Made possible thanks to funding from Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin and Goethe Institute Ljubljana.