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This episode of Something Like for Montez Press Radio and Kunstverein in Hamburg was recorded and edited on an island in the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, and in several cities across Europe. Special thanks to the writer and editor Olamiju Fajemisin, with whom this hour of radio was conceived and researched, and without whom would not have been made possible. Texts are quoted from Fred Moten’s Sound in Florescence: Cecil Taylor’s Floating Garden, Sound States, edited by Adalaide Morris, University of North Carolina Press, 1997 and Malik Gaines’ Nina Simone’s Quadruple Consciousness, Woman & Performance, a Journal of feminist theory, 2013. Thanks to Jason Dodge and Mayra A. Rodríguez Castro for lending their tarot-based structural technique to this episode.

Nina Simone, Feelings, Live at Montreux 1976Cecil Taylor, 5’04”, Chinampas, 1987
Frederic Rzewski, Coming Together, Attica, 1974