13 August 2020
- Ambient
- Afrobeats
- Avant-Garde
- Experimental
- Folk
- Atmospheric
- Delicate
- Dreamy
- Meditative
- Mystical
In her 1985 anti-colonial future-past epic Always Coming Home, Ursula K. LeGuin opens with an archeology of the future, a future people based on indigenous civilizations of Northern California. In the book’s introduction, she writes: “The only way I can think to find them, the only archeology that might be practical, is as follows: You take your child or grandchild in your arms, a young baby, not yet a year old, and go down into the wild oats in the field below the barn. Stand under the oak on the last slope of the hill, facing the creek. Stand quietly. Perhaps the baby will see something, or hear a voice, or speak to somebody there, somebody from home.”
This is an episode about the act of going home, and where that home zone is located.

Ursula K. Le Guinn & Todd Barton, Homesick SongJoni Mitchell, Case of You (Live in London, 1983)
Lijadu Sisters, Come on Home
Jeff Majors, Nomad
“Blue” Gene Tyranny, A Letter from Home
Silvia Tarozzi, Mi Specchio e Refletto
Meredith Monk, Memory Song
R Beny, Cascade Symmetry
Judy Mayhan, I’ve been the One
Iris Dement, My Life
Joseph Shabason, I Thought I Could Get Away With It
Laurie Anderson, Is Anybody Home
Valentina Goncharova, Zen Garden
Alex Turgeon, Latch Key
Gia Margaret, No Sleep No Dream
Buffy Sainte Marie, The Dream Tree
Yumiko Morioka, Moon Road
Adrienne Rich, Dreamwood
Nikki Giovanni, Motherhood