26 October 2020
- Experimental
- Soundtrack
- Informative
The Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence presents a radio performance based on their obsession with pedestrian tunnels. Expect music, field recordings, collaborative work, sonic engagement, monologues, cautionary tales and pornography. The transmission encompasses material gathered in the field by O.J.A.I. in Belgium, Germany, United States and Moldova and is part of their ongoing Tunnel Emancipation and Reactivation Initiative (TERI).

1. Implog - Holland Tunnel Dive2. O.J.A.I. - Angstunnel Performance (Exerpt)
3. MK/CT - MK/CT 6/Tunnel
4. Willi Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Wonkatania (Soundtrack)
5. O.J.A.I. - Musik for Tunnels
6. Logan’s Run - Love Shop (Soundtrack)
7. Patrick Cowley - Nightcrawler
8. BBC Sound Effects - Leaving and Entering Tunnel at London Airport
9. Haroumi Hosono - Last Paradise
10. Asiplastique - Yammi
11. O.J.A.I./ Tatjana Fiodorova - Chisinau I / 25Cent
12. Philomena Begley - Trucking Queen