


Weekly Schedule (CET)

Wanderlust #19: You went through me, truly

15 October 2018
  • Soundscape
  • Atmospheric
  • Meditative

You went through me, truly by Ella Zwietnig

For the composition of the soundscape ‘You went through me, truly’ samples and results from sound experiments with hard- and software were used to imagine the psychology of processes and decisions.

The soundscape will lead you through gentle worlds of reflection and leave space for imagination, but will also take you through dense areas of chaos and sonic certainty.

Throughout the soundscape you will hear a short, re-occurring melody being played on a piano, that stands exemplary for the sweetness and melancholy that is the end of a summer, getting more and more demolished throughout, until one last big rebellion and it’s fading away, not coming back for what seems an eternity.

Ella Zwietnig is a composer, sound designer and music supervisor based in Berlin.

She mainly works for media but also releases music together with her husband who is her main collaborator on all her projects under the name of UMA 

Currently, they are working on a new, as of yet unnamed ambient noise project together.

TheEarHasToTravelStampWanderlust MixcloudTRANSP.png