New Friend is a five-part radio documentary by Bitsy Knox, exploring the context behind a series of photographs taken by the artist and experimental filmmaker, Barbara Hammer. The photographs were taken over one weekend in August 1973, on Hornby Island, Ja-Dai-Aich, in the Salish Sea, in coastal British Columbia. This is the story of arrival, love, and politics, spanning 50 years.
Mixing and Mastering by Robert Steenkamer
Thank you to:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Barbara Hammer Estate
Hornby Island Community Archives
Cashmere Radio, Berlin
96.5 CHFR Hornby Island Community Radio
KOW, Berlin
Company Gallery, New York City
All beings, human and more-than-human, of Hornby Island, Ja-Dai-Aich, and its surrounding waters—where I am a part-time, uninvited guest on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
New Friend is generously supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.